Feb 2018 - 2021
A self funded web development course studying front end and back end programming languages and technologies. Using resources from Pluralsight, classroom teaching & reading materials, to create a portfolio and projects, to become a web developer.
Restore Harrow Green
At Restore Harrow Green, I was a porter. As a porter I would do one of two things. I was responsible for moving clients personal belongings, artificals, IT equipment or books from one building to another or removing unwanted office furniture or IT equipment into the lorry for recycling.
Goldsmiths University
Achieved a Bsc (Hons) in Computer Science. My grade was a 3rd. Some modules I studied was Web Design, programming, Digital Media and many more.
Westminister Kingsway College - Victoria
Achieved a Level 3 BTEC National Diploma for IT Practitioners (IT and Business). My grade was a Triple Merit (MMM).